Grading Grid: Assignment Two
Please attach your grading grids to your final draft.
1. Thesis. Essay contains thesis statement (2-3 sentences); thesis spans two texts; thesis statement addresses underlying factors of riots (20%)
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2. Evidence. Essay incorporates In Darkness and Confusion, Little Scarlet, Fires in the Mirror, Heat Wave, Malcolm X video, Wattsax, and/or Raising the Heights (minimum one text, one film); essay practices summary of basic plots; essay correctly uses MLA citation (20%)
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3. Critical thinking. Essay practices close-reading of specific scenes with analysis of particular words and images; essay introduces and defines keywords created by the writer to explain content; essay goes beyond classroom discussion
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4. Structure. Essay has unified paragraphs with topic sentences; Essay has clear introduction; essay contains conclusion that introduces new directions and texts, with well-imagined final thought(s)
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5. Polish and Excellence. Essay contains clear prose; grammatical errors don't distract from overall meaning; essay shows signs of revision, with evidence of peer review; essay meets assignment criteria for length and font
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