CUNY Graduate Center
365 Fifth Avenue
Fri Feb 10, 2012, 4:00 pm | English Lounge (Room 4406)
[8]What Do Keywords Do?
Lecture: Bruce Burgett, Glenn Hendler
The _Oxford English Dictionary_ defines "keywords" as words that are of
"great importance or significance." In the digital universe, keywords
organize vast quantities of complex information. These words are nodal
points in many of today's most dynamic and vexed discussions of political
and social life, both inside and outside of the academy. Drawing on their
experience editing _Keywords for American Cultural Studies_, _Bruce Burgett
_(Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, University of Washington) and _Glenn
Hendler_ (English and American Studies, Fordham University) will discuss the
critical and creative potential of keywords to catalyze interdisciplinary
conversation. This a public program connected to “[9]Revolutionizing
American Studies.” For further information on this and other Seminars in the
Humanities, see
_Co-sponsored by the Revolutionizing American Studies Seminar and the PhD
Program in English_
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